Peace Pilgrim

Peace Pilgrim was an American woman who lived from 1908 to 1981. Starting in 1953, she walked more than 25,000 miles and vowed “to remain a wanderer until mankind has learned the way of peace, walking until given shelter and fasting until given food.” Peace Pilgrim ate a simple vegetarian diet. She called for the creation of a federal Department of Peace and on September 14, 2005 there was a bill introduced in Congress to establish such an institution. She insisted: “You shouldn’t even have the selfish motive of attaining inner peace for yourself. To be of service…must be your motive before your life can come into harmony.” She inspired many individuals with her efforts and issued a newsletter as well as corresponding with individuals in spite of her extensive wanderings. She died in a car accident on the way to being driven to giving a speaking engagement.

For an additional quotation from Peace Pilgrim, see Peace Quotes elsewhere on this website.

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